An enchanting, brutal vampire myth and coming-of-age love story adapted from the best-selling novel and award-winning film LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.
“Esta puesta en escena es novedosa y refrescante. Los setenta cambios de luces, los noventa y seis metros cuadrados de nieve, las cuarenta y una canciones y el maquillaje, que me parecieron geniales.”
— FACTum
About the Production
Directed by Migue Siman and adapted for the stage by Jack Thorne, DÉJAME ENTRAR opened on July 10 and played for 5 performances in the FEPADE Auditorium in San Salvador. Our cast included Paolo Salinas as Oskar, Emy Mena as Eli, Miguel Amador, Boris Barraza, Gabi Rivera, Fernando Arteaga, Otto Rivera and Carlos Hirlemann.
The production featured more than 1,000 gallons of water, 20 trees, tons of fake snow (from recycled paper), 40 different musical interventions, and more than 150 lighting cues.
“Dignos de admirar. Más allá del terror y el suspenso, esta adaptación teatral permite al público meditar sobre lo verdadero e importante”.
“El nicho para las ideas atrevidas de Migue Simán ya existe”.
— FACTum